5000 Friends and Still Lonely

I felt alone that night. It was 2018, and I was right in the middle of so many responsibilities. I had just planted a church the previous year and was pouring in a lot of resources into it – spiritual, mental, emotional, financial, and material resources.

Debut Album

As I prayed one night in our kitchen – pouring my heart to God and talking to Him as a friend, waves of inspiration began to pour as a melody into my heart:
I began to sing these words:
I’m not alone
I’m not alone
The Greater One lives inside of me
No matter the storms this live may bring
I’m not alone

You Are Not Alone!

I was further inspired to write a book that will help people overcome loneliness, depression, suicidal thoughts, and other challenges. I wrote the book in 2020, and it has been a huge blessing to many.

You may be going through a difficult time right now – faced with dark clouds, disappointments, discouragement, depression, and frightening drama. It is understandable. I hope you will find solace in this song and strength in the pages of the book as I and others have. Let’s go on this journey together. Let’s win together. YOU’RE NOT ALONE.

In that same season, with my first son only 18months old, my wife was pregnant with our second son.

I was also hosting personal and business development programs and training sessions for my private clients. She had also resumed her regular job and was juggling so many responsibilities just like I was and so was understandably not as available in that season as she had been in the preceding years.
We were in a planting season. We were giving more than we were receiving, ploughing the ground and sowing seeds. Yet at that same time, some of our friends and acquaintances, who we felt would be available to cheer us on, were conspicuously absent and emotionally distant. In fact, some reportedly made uncomplimentary remarks in certain quarters, and they couldn’t outrightly deny those statements when I confronted them. They were people I thought would speak well of me in my absence but who took the easier path of protecting their own bases and securing their own reputation.

Get Involved

You can support or give towards the album project in any of the three categories below.

Album Partnership

N10 million ($20,000)
This will help me cover all the costs of music production, video production and basic promotional costs.

Track Partnership

N500,000 ($1000)
This will help me cover the costs of audio production and basic promotional costs for 1 track.

Basic Partnership

N100,000 ($200)
This may not cover any single aspect of the music or production, but it will go a long way in covering associated costs such as studio space rentals and logistic support.

Are you currently unable to partner on any of the above levels? No worries. You can just give what you have.*

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DreamStream Resources Company Limited

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